About Muffin Clicker

A muffin shop has opened in Muffin Clicker. Heaven for this cake lover has appeared. With an eye-catching appearance, this cake will conquer everyone. The orange cake is sprinkled with some chocolate. Just looking at it makes people hungry. There is no traditional recipe here. You will create muffins just like you make cookies in Cookie Clicker. You will click to create these delicious muffins.
Play the Muffin Clicker game
At first, start playing the game by clicking on big Muffin to gain more and more Muffins. Earn a single loaf per click when you bake enough Muffins, and purchase a new hand to help you click automatics each period. The more you buy items upgrade, the more bread you can have each second.
How to control
You can click the right or left mouse to bake the muffins.
List upgrade items in the shop of Muffin Clicker
Plants and hands
- Hand: Auto click to big bread for bread currency. Each hand produces one piece of bread every 5 seconds. The first price is 15 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 0.20 cakes per second.
- Chef: help to increase the quality of the bread. The first price is 150 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 1.0 cakes per second.
- Wheat: Produce wheat every second (one of the main ingredients for making bread). The first price is 1,100 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 8. 0 cakes per second.
- Sugarcane: Produce Sugar every second (one ingredient of bread). Natural Sugar source, as a decorative finish for making cakes. The first price is 1,150 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 8.40 cakes per second.
- Strawberry: Growing Strawberry every second (a decorative finish of the Croissant Manufacturing Process). Natural Sugar source, as a decorative finish for making cakes. The first price is 2,401 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 17.46 cakes per second.
- Apple: Growing Apple every second (a decorative finish of the Muffin Manufacturing Process). The first price is 2,647 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 19.25 cakes per second.
- Grapevine: Growing Grapes every second (a decorative finish of the bread Manufacturing Process). The first price is 2,780 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 20.22 cakes per second.
Animals and employees
- Cow: Producing Milk every second. The first price is 13650 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 39.90 cakes per second.
- Goat: Producing Milk, Butter, and Cheese every second. The first price is 15,049 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 43.99 cakes per second.
- Cock: Spawning egg every second. The first price is 15,802 cakes, an increase of 15% each time. Increase 46.19 cakes per second.
- Guard: With the Guard's protection, the thief's number of appearances will decrease and enhance working performance. The first price is 175000 cakes, an increase of 20% each time. Increase 1% in total output per second.
- Manager: Making your business bigger and bigger. The first price is 999,999,999 cakes, an increase of 30% each time. Increase 256,000,000 cakes per second.
- Factory: Enhance the speed and performance of the bread manufacturing Process. The first price is 1500000 cakes, an increase of 20% each time. Increase 1,250 cakes per second.
- Mines: Enhance the quality of bread to perfection. The first price is 21,559,000 cakes, an increase of 20% each time. Increase 7,500 cakes per second.
- Store: Selling your Bread to all the World. The first price is 331,000,000 cakes, an increase of 25% each time. Increase 41,000,000 cakes per second.
Some features of thieves
Thief: The Thief will steal your Bread every second. He'll be caught by clicking on him three times and receive the punishment of 5% of the Cake stolen. When do the thieves appear? There are trees and over 2000 cakes in your store. They will appear one time after 5 minutes and disappear after 1 minute. The current time will be equal to (protection number) + 5 minutes Currently appearing priority with items and without protection, when all floors are protected, randomly appear. These guys will make you lose 10% of the total output per second.
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